
5 Things to Include in Your Resume When Applying for Remote Jobs

Learn the top 5 crucial elements to include in your resume when applying for remote jobs from showcasing your remote work experience to time management abilities

October 16, 2023

Enhance Your Resume for Remote Jobs with These Key Components to Stand Out in the Competitive Remote Work Market

The list goes on about what is absolutely important (and what is not) to be included in a resume for remote jobs - but we have rounded it up to five main points that have proven to be crucial in order to craft a resume that stands out from the crowd.

We at Elephant Teams frequently hire for a variety of remote positions as an offshoring company. Our journey through the sea of resumes we receive is nothing short of fascinating. Each resume tells a unique story, showcasing remarkable skills, impressive achievements, and diverse experiences. Yet, despite the wealth of talent, we often find that many resumes fall short in a few critical areas essential for securing remote jobs.

The shift to remote work has revolutionised the job market, creating unprecedented opportunities for professionals worldwide. However, with this shift comes the need for a different approach to resume building. Remote jobs demand a unique set of skills and attributes that must be clearly articulated on your resume to stand out in a highly competitive field. While it might seem straightforward to include your work history and education, there's so much more that can elevate your resume from good to outstanding when applying for remote jobs.

To help you navigate this landscape, we’ve delved deep into our experience and distilled our insights into five essential elements. These are not mere suggestions but proven strategies that can transform your resume into a powerful tool that captures the attention of hiring managers and recruiters. Whether you're a seasoned remote worker or new to the concept, these tips will help you present your best self on paper and pave the way for your success in the world of remote work.

1. Previous experience in Remote Working

Nothing assures a potential employer of your remote work capability more than actual remote work experience. It demonstrates your familiarity with the remote work environment and your ability to thrive without direct supervision.

How to highlight it?

  • Detail your role by making sure to describe the scope of your previous remote roles, emphasising the relevant responsibilities and achievements.
  • Quantify your success during your work period by providing measurable outcomes to illustrate how you successfully navigated the challenges. 

Example: Managed a remote team of 10 customer service representatives, achieving a 20% increase in customer satisfaction ratings over six months by implementing streamlined communication protocols.

2. Technology Proficiency directly relevant to remote positions

Efficiency with technology is non-negotiable in remote work. It is really important to demonstrate your ability to manage digital tools that help remote operations run smoothly.

Mention tools and technologies that will be integral for remote work - in fact, list all the tools and technologies that you’re familiar with if you know or think they’d become relevant. A few examples would be Trello, Slack, Zoom, Click Up, etc.

How to organise them on the resume? Include separate sections as follows:

  • Software skills: have all-things apps and tools listed here
  • Certifications: list down any certifications you have that are related to essential software or tools, showing your commitment to staying updated with technology

Example : Proficient in project management tools such as Trello and Asana, and communication platforms including Slack and Zoom. Certified in Google Workspace for seamless remote collaboration.

3. Communication Skills

Remote workspaces lack face-to-face interactions and it always boils down to how good you’re with communicating effectively with your colleagues over communication media. Your resume should clearly articulate your ability to communicate across various platforms and maintain strong connections with team members and managers.

The best way to do it? Make sure to list out -

  • Remote communication examples: describe instances where your communication skills were pivotal in remote project management or problem-solving.
  • Feedback and collaboration: highlight situations where your communication skills contributed to positive outcomes or where you were praised for clarity and responsiveness.
  • Familiarity with communication tools: Specify your experience with different communication tools that helps to highlight your adaptability to remote working environments. 

Example : Led virtual team meetings across different time zones using Zoom, ensuring clear and effective communication that resulted in a 15% increase in project efficiency. Praised for prompt and clear email communication, which facilitated smooth collaboration in a remote setup.

4. Self-motivation and Discipline

Remote work often comes with a great degree of freedom, and with that, the need for self-motivation and discipline. It's crucial for candidates to show they can manage their duties effectively.

Make sure you mention the following:

  • Independent projects: projects or tasks you have managed on your own, detailing how you achieved or surpassed objectives.
  • Work ethic: insights into your personal productivity strategies that ensure you remain focused and effective.

Example : Successfully completed an independent market research project that contributed to a new business strategy, resulting in a 30% increase in client acquisition. Utilised time-blocking techniques to maintain high productivity and meet all deadlines.

5. Time Management Skills

Effective time management is essential, especially in remote settings where personal and professional boundaries can easily blur.

How well can you demonstrate your time management skills over a resume? Highlight:

  • Effective project handling by discussing your approach to managing deadlines and multiple tasks, providing examples of past successes
  • Prioritisation techniques by explaining how you decide what gets priority to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in your work.
  • Use of tools by mentioning any that you utilise personally to  keep track of tasks and manage time, such as Google Calendar or Asana.

Example : Managed multiple projects simultaneously using Asana, prioritising tasks to ensure timely completion. Implemented daily scheduling with Google Calendar to balance workload and maintain productivity, resulting in a 25% improvement in task completion rate.


Having engaged extensively with both hiring managers and job candidates, we are confident that a resume which clearly articulates these five points makes a strong candidate and is highly likely to be shortlisted. These key components go beyond listing qualifications, they demonstrate your readiness and suitability for remote work.

When reviewing resumes for remote jobs, we look for more than just a list of responsibilities; we seek a clear, compelling presentation of how candidates will excel in a remote setting. A resume that effectively highlights these five crucial elements shows prospective employers that you’re not only capable but exceptionally prepared to handle the unique challenges of remote roles.

By incorporating these insights into your resume, you don’t just meet the basic requirements—you stand out as a proactive, well-prepared candidate ready to contribute from day one. Tailor your resume with these tips, and you'll significantly enhance your chances of securing a remote position that aligns with your skills and lifestyle, making your transition into a remote role smooth and successful.

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